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Bharathiar University 2007 B.A English Special Media Laws And History D205 - Question Paper

Saturday, 23 March 2013 09:20Web

Media Laws And History D 205
Time : 3 hours Maximum : 100 marks
PART A — (5 ? eight = 40 marks)
ans any 5 of the subsequent.
1. Give an account about the contribution of James Augustus Hicky to the History of press in India.
2. Write the significance of ‘Indian Express’ Daily Journal.
3. Define the importance of AIR ‘All India Radio’.
4. Write on SITE, Satellite Instructional Television Experiment.
5. Refer the article 19 (2) of Indian Constitution about the freedom of the press.
6. Write about the provisions of press freedom in Indian Penal Code.
7. Write the implications of The Indian Post Telegraph
Act 1933.
8. Write a few of the codes of Broad casting for commercial advertisement.
PART B — (4 ? 15 = 60 marks)
ans any 4 of the subsequent.
9. Write an essay about the historical perspectives of Mass Media Laws.
10. Explain the significant Developments in Film Communication in India.
11. What are the importance obtained in The Press and Registration of Books Act 1867 – Sketch it.
12. How the Official Secrets Act 1923 was executed in the growth of Indian journalism.
13. Write the significance of the contempts of Courts
Act 1971.
14. Assess the Broad Caste Code governing commercial advertisements in Radio.
15. Assess the Broad Caste Code governing commercial advertisements in Television.

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