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Bharathiar University 2007 B.A English Special Women In India D206 - Question Paper

Saturday, 23 March 2013 09:15Web

Women In India
Time : 3 hours Maximum : 100 marks
PART A — (5 ? eight = 40 marks)
Answer any 5 ques..
All ques. carry equal marks.
1. What are modes of expression?
2. Which kind of media is powerful?
3. What is commentary writing?
4. Explain dial image and commodization of women.
5. What are the opportunities and issues of women in Media?
6. Is there an interaction ranging from Media and Movement?
7. What is Media advocacy?
8. How to plan for Training Media?
PART B — (4 ? 15 = 60 marks)
Answer any 4 ques..
All ques. carry equal marks.
9. Define Media. discuss the role of women in main stream modes of communication.
10. Explain the various modes of communication.
11. What are stereo–type images? What is the impact of media portrayal of women?
12. Define Consumer. discuss Consumer Protection Act.
13. Explain the job opportunities for women in olden and new media.
14. Explain Media Policy and option Media.
15. What is improper media? Write in the details of Training Materials.

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