Bharathiar University 2007 B.A English Special Public Relation Focus - Question Paper
Saturday, 23 March 2013 09:05Web
B.A. '07
Public Relation Focus
Time : 3 hours Maximum : 100 marks
part A — (5 ? eight = 40 marks)
ans any 5 ques..
All ques. carry equal marks.
1. Define Public Relation with illustrations.
2. Explain the advantages of PR counsel.
3. How does the News serve as a tool for Public Relations.
4. Exhibitions are helpful for Public Relations -Do you agree? Why?
5. How does Public Relations differ from campaigns?
6. Enumerate the different forms of oral communication used in PR.
7. Discuss the functions of PRSI.
8. Explain the PR set up of the State Government.
part B — (4 × 15 = 60 marks)
ans any 4 ques..
All ques. carry equal marks.
9. Public Relations is a social philosophy of management -Discuss.
10. Assume yourself as the P.R.O. of a manufacturing organisation. Suggest your innovative ideas for the establishment of effective P.R. system.
11. Media practitioners and PR practitioners are mutually depended- Justify.
12. How would you organise consumer relations programmes for a business concern.
13. Discuss the current patterns in PR profession.
14. Critically examine the role of the recent communication system on Public Relations with special reference to New info and communication Technology.
Earning: Approval pending. |