Bharathiar University 2007 B.A English Special English -Report Writing - Question Paper
Saturday, 23 March 2013 08:50Web
Report Writing B.A English '07
Time : 3 hours Maximum : 100 marks
PART A — (5 ? eight = 40 marks)
ans any 5 ques..
1. Explain the characteristics of computer.
2. Write a note on DOS operating system.
3. What is the use of spell checker and how is it used?
4. What are the various features of Excel that give ease to work?
5. What is hardware? discuss.
6. What is search engine? provide details.
7. Explain hyperlinks.
8. Discuss streaming audio and video.
PART B — (4 × 15 = 60 marks)
ans any 4 ques..
9. Explain the role of info technology.
10. Write a note on :
(a) MS-Access
(b) MS-Powerpoint
(c) Adobe Photoshop.
11. What is web page? discuss.
12. Explain Internet. How does it work?
13. Discuss the way in which public relations can be made more effective through new media.
14. What are the hypertext links and where are they used?
15. Explain regulation mechanism with example.
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