Gauhati University 2007 B.A History THIRD ( of the United States of America, 1783-1919) - Question Paper
Monday, 21 January 2013 04:25Web
The figures in the margin indicate full marks
for the ques.
1. ans the subsequent in 1 sentence: l×8=8
a) Which of the subsequent controlled foreign policy and defence under the Articles
of Confederation?
(i) The Confederation
(ii) The Thirteen States
b) In connection with the United States' relations, with which European country did
the 'XYZ Affair' occur?
c) Which State was admitted to the United States as a new 'free State' in accordance
with the Missouri Compromise of 1820?
d) Mention the name of the candidate of any of the factions of the Democratic Party
in the Presidential election of1860.
e) What was the subject matter of the Fifteenth Amendment?
f) Under whose leadership was the National Labour Union (1865) organised?
g) Who founded the Patrons of Husbandry (Grange) in 1867?
h) ranging from which 2 countries was the Hay-Herran Treaty of 1903 signed?
2. Match the following: 1×4=4
(a) 'Declaration of (i) John O' Sullivan
sentiments' (eighteen
grievances against (ii) Abraham Lincoln
'male tyranny), Seneca
Falls, New York, 1848 (iii) Mrs Elizabeth Cady Stanton
(b) Abolitionist Movement (iv) Benjamin Lundy
(c) The Gettysburg Address
(d) Manifest Destiny
3. Write short notes on any 4 of the following: 5×4=20
a) Hamilton's Financial Measures
b) Washington's Neutrality Policy
c) Westward Movement
d) Jacksonian Democracy
e) The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
f) The Compromise of 1850
g) United States' policy towards the Venezuelan Boundary Dispute
4. ans any 3 of the following: 16×3=48
a) What were the differences' ranging from the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan?
How did the Connecticut Compromise resolve them?
b) what are Thomas Jefferson's political philosophy. How far was Jefferson able to
implement it during his terms as the President of the United States?
c) Review the background, contents and significance of the Monroe Doctrine.
d) discuss the importance of the Kansas-Nebraska Act and the Dred Scott Decision
in the history of the Sectional Conflict
e) explain the reconstruction programme initiated by the Radical Republicans after
the Civil War and examine its effects on the Southern States.
f) What were the objectives of the Populist Movement? Evaluate its achievements.
g) Form an estimate of the measures adopted by Theodore Roosevelt and William
Howard Taft to regulate Big Business.
Earning: Approval pending. |