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Bangalore University 2008 M.B.A Business Administration SECOND SEMESTER [DAY] UNATION, - Question Paper

Saturday, 23 March 2013 01:05Web

II Semester M.B.A (Day) Degree Examination, June 2008
(2007-08 Scheme)

Max. Marks : 75
Time : three Hours

part – A

1. ans any 6 questions: (6X2=12)

a) What do you mean by "Strategic human resource management"?
b) What is career advancement?
c) What is meant by "Work force diversity:?
d) describe "Equal Employment Opportunity".
e) What is Perquisites?
f) List out the Adult Learning Principles.
g) What do you mean by "Trait-based Appraisals?
h) What is contract ratification?
i) Write a short note on "Industrial harmony".

part – B

ans any 4 ques.. (3X8=24)

2. Write up job description for human resource specialist.
3. Differentiate recruitment form selection.
4. How do you apply correlation analysis is 1 of the statistical methods in
5. discuss the criteria for a good appraisal system.
6. Enumerate different causes of accidents. discuss the effective ways to prevent
Employees from accidents.

part – C

ans any tow of the subsequent questions: (2X12=24)

7. discuss how the candidates and the organizations objectives in the recruiting
Process may disagree. How might these conflicts affect the eventual success of
The recruiting and job search process?
8. "Corporate executives of MNCs and domestic enterprises of repute are excessively
Remunerated". Comment this statement.
9. What factors discuss the high unionization rate among public sector workers as
Compared with that of workers in the private sector?

part – D

Case Study (Compulsory):

Analyse the case and ans the ques. provided below:

Rama Krishna is a forklift operative at a large industrial warehouse. During a particularly busy shift, Rama Krishna tripped over a large load of Air-condition sets. Rama Krishna tested positive for drug and was dismissed. He immediately field a grievance, claiming that he had used drug 2 months before. Regarding the result of drug and alcohol testing, the company's code of conduct says, "Employees obtained to be incapacitated shall be summarily dismissed".


What strategy would you follow if you were preparing Rama Krishna's grievance?
What points do you take up to the arbitrator for solving the issue?




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