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Bangalore University 2005 M.A History of Indian Political Ideas and Institutions in India to 1800 A.D - Question Paper

Saturday, 23 March 2013 12:00Web

M.A. (Previous) Examination, May/June 2005
(Non-Semester Scheme)
History of Indian Political Ideas and Institutions in India to 1800 A.D.

Time : three Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instructions : 1) ans all the ques..
2) ans should be either completely in Kannada or in English.

1. a) discuss the importance of literary sources for the study of Ancient Indian Political ideas. 20
b) Examine the importance of Dharma on Ancient Indian Polity.

2. a) Critically examine the Constitutional significance of coronation ceremony. 20
b) discuss the political ideas reflected in Shantiparva of Mahabharatha.

3. a) Examine the Rajamandala theory of Kautilyas Arthasastra. 20
b) Critically examine the Mansabdari system of Mughal administration.

4. Write short notes on any 6 of the subsequent : 6x5=30
a) Sabha and Samithi
b) Social Contract theory
c) Ramayana's ideal polity
d) Mahajanpadas
e) Manu Smriti.
f) Durgas
g) Uttarameruru inscription.
h) Astadiggajas
i) Ulemas.
j) Sardeshmukhi.

5. Comment on any 1 of the subsequent : 1x10=10
a) Golden age of the Guptas.
b) Nature of Islamic polity.


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