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Bangalore University 2005 M.A History of Freedom Movement in India (1857-1950) - Question Paper

Saturday, 23 March 2013 11:55Web

M.A. (Previous) Examination, May/June 2005
(Non-Semester Scheme)
History of Freedom Movement in India (1857-1950)

Time : three Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instructions : 1) ans all the ques..
2) ans should be either completely in Kannada or in English.

1. a) Bring out the various interpretations of the 1857 event. 20 Marks)
b) Trace the impact of social and religious reform movements on Indian National Movement. (20 Marks)

2. a) Account for the Drain theory of Navoroji. (20 Marks)
b) Trace the origin and genesis of INC. (20 Marks)

3. a) Trace the significance of the Non Co-operation Movement in the history of Indian National Movement. (20 Marks)
b) Trace the events leading to the partition of India. (20 Marks)

4. Write short notes on any 6 of the subsequent : 6x5=30
a) Ram Mohan Roy
b) Syed Ahmed Khan
c) Ghadr party
d) Lucknow Pact
e) John Simon.
f) Communist Party of India
g) Hindu Mahasabha.
h) Lathore Session of Muslim League, 1940
i) Naval Mutiny.
j) third June Plan.

5. Comment on any 1 of the subsequent : 1x10=10
a) Rowlatt Act.
b) I.N.A.


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