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Bangalore University 2005 M.A History - V : of China, Japan and South East Asia Since 1900 A.D. - Question Paper

Saturday, 23 March 2013 11:45Web

M.A. (Previous) Examination, May/June 2005
(Non-Semester Scheme)
Paper - V : History of China, Japan and South East Asia Since 1900 A.D.

Time : three Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instructions : ans all the ques.. ans should be written completely either in Kannada or in English.

I. a) Discusss the causes and outcomes of 1911 Revolution. 20
b) discuss the achievements of Nationalist Govt. in China.

II. a) explain the Anglo-Japanis Alliance of 1902. 20
b) Critically examine the achievements of Washington conference.

III. a) discuss the different stages of Burmes Nationalism. 20
b) Sketch the role of Hochimin in the National Movement.

IV. Write short notes on any 6 of the subsequent : 6x5=30
a) Opium Wars
b) three principles of Sun-yat-sen
c) Manchurian crisis
d) Mao-Tse-Tung
e) Portsmouth Treaty.
f) Japan and II World War
g) 21 Demands of Japan.
i) Dr. Sukarno.
j) Geneva Conference.

V. Comment on any 1 of the subsequent : 1x10=10
a) Allied powers in Japan.
b) American's occupation of Phillippines.


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