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Bangalore University 2007 M.A History of International Affairs Since 1918 A.D- - Question Paper

Saturday, 23 March 2013 10:55Web

II Year M.A. Examination, May / June 2007
History of International Affairs Since 1918 A.D.

Time : three Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instructions : 1) ans all the ques..
2) Answers should be written either completely in Kannada or in English.

1. a) Outline the significance of the study of International Relations.


b) How far did the Paris Peace Settlement dictate the developments during the inter war period ?

2. a) Point out the nature of Reparations and explain the issues associated with it.


b) explain the factors that paved the way for the collapse of collective security during the inter-war period.

3. a) Do you agree that the British Policy of Appeasement culminated in the 2nd world war ?


b) Identify the areas of American – Soviet conflict during the cold war era and evaluate its impact.

4. Write short notes on any 6 of the subsequent :

a) Balance of Power
b) Wilson’s 14 points
c) Inter-Allied Debts
d) The Little Entente
e) Weimar Republic
f) Anschluss of Austria
g) Battle of Britain
h) Mandates
j) NPT

5. Comment on any of the subsequent :

a) Allied War-Time Diplomacy
b) Peace efforts of the UN.


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