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Bangalore University 2007 M.A History Contemporary of India, 1947-1980(y/e ) - Question Paper

Saturday, 23 March 2013 10:45Web

II Year M.A. Examination, May / June 2007
HISTORY (Paper – X)
Contemporary History of India, 1947-1980.

Time : three Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instructions : 1) ans all the ques..
2) Answers should be written either completely in Kannada or in English.

1. a) Trace the events leading to the birth of 2 nations.


b) Write a critical note on the fundamentals rights and the directive principles of state policy.

2. a) Out line the process leading to the emergence of Bangladesh.


b) Examine the implementations of industrial policy in India.

3. a) Attempt a critique of the issues of the linguistic states and the role played by the States Reorganisation Commission in solving them.


b) Assess the significance of total revolution and the part played by Jayaprakash Narayan.

4. Write short notes on any 6 of the subsequent :

a) Indo-Pak war of 1965
b) India’s role in Korean war
c) Suez crisis
d) Indo-Societ treaty of friendship and co-operation
e) Abolition of Zamindari system
f) Balavant Ray Mehta Committee Report
h) Constitutional abolition of the practice of untouchability
i) Kaka Kalelkar Commission
j) First General Electron

5. Comment on any of the subsequent :

a) Centre-Sates relations.
b) Bank nationalisation, 1969.


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