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Bangalore University 2006 M.A History Historical Method and Historiography(y/e ) - Question Paper

Saturday, 23 March 2013 10:35Web

II Year M.A. Examination, May / June 2006
(Non-Semester Scheme)
Historical Method and Historiography.

Time : three Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instructions : 1) ans all the ques..
2) Answers should be written either completely in Kannada or in English.

1. a) Critically examine Colling Wood’s definition of History.


b) Analyse the relationship ranging from History and Geography.

2. a) discuss the importance of primary sources to the study of history..


b) discuss the process of Internal-criticism.

3. a) Assess the contributions of Romans to historiography.


b) Examine the philosophy of history of Arnold Toinbee.

4. Write short notes on any 6 of the subsequent :

a) Aim of history
b) ‘Times Capsule’
c) Dilanantism
d) Causation
e) St. Augustin
f) August Compte
g) ‘Decline of the west’
h) Geographical Discoveries
i) ‘Das Capital’
j) K.M. Panikkar

5. Comment on any of the subsequent :

a) Bias in history.
b) Biological interpretation of History.


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