Gauhati University 2007 B.A Philosophy SECOND (Western Classical Philosophers) - Question Paper
Monday, 21 January 2013 03:25Web
(Western Classical Philosophers)
The ques. are of equal value
Write the answers to the 2 Halves in separate books
ans any 2 ques.
1. How does Plato examine the view that knowledge is perception in his dialogue
Theaetetus? explain.
2. How does Descartes establish the criterion of truth? How does he apply the
criterion in relation to the existence of the external world? explain.
3. "The scepticism of Hume is the logical result of the empiricism of Locke.”
4. Show how Hume's analysis of experience leaves no ground for belief in any
permanent reality, whether physical or psychical.
ans any 2 ques.
5. How does the critical philosophy of Kant reconcile the rival claims of empiricism
and rationalism?
6. "Space and Time are empirically real but transcendentally ideal." Comment on
Kant's view.
7. provide a critical account of Kant's Transcendental Deduction of Categories.
8. Write an essay on Kant's Doctrine of Method.
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