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Bangalore University 2007 M.Sc Computer Science MD-3404 C LAB - Question Paper

Saturday, 23 March 2013 08:05Web

M.Sc. Computer Science MD-3404 C++ LAB MAY 2007
Time : 3 hours Maximum: 100 marks
ans 2 ques. (one simple C++ Program and
one data structure program)
All ques. carry equal marks.
ques. are to be opted by the examiner for every candidate.
1. Write a C++ Program to check the provided number is perfect or not.
2. Write a C++ Program to solve the quadratic formula :

3. Write a C++ Program to perform the arithmetic operations using Inline functions.
4. Write a C++ Program to obtain the NCR value using the formula . Use recursive function concept.
5. Write a C++ program to add 2 complex numbers and using operator overloading.
6. Create a class learner with data members register number, name of the student, 3 subject marks, total marks and avg. and the member functions to get the input for those data members, to compute the total marks and avg. and to print the outcome. Write a main program to exercise this class.
7. Create a class TIME with the data members hours and minutes and member functions to get the values for those data members and to print them in Indian Time format. Include a friend function to sum 2 times inside that class. Exercise this class in a main program.
8. Write a C++ Program to count the number of even and odd numbers in the provided list using pointers.
9. Write a C++ Program to implement the PUSH and POP operations of a stack.
10. Write a C++ Program to implement the addition and deletion of elements into and from the queue using arrays.
11. Write a C++ Program to count the number of leaf nodes in a Tree.
12. Write a C++ Program to add 2 polynomials using linked list implementation.
13. Write a C++ Program to evaluate a postfix expression .
14. Write a C++ Program to obtain all the nodes less than a few value x in a binary heap.
15. Write a C++ program to obtain the fifth largest element in a provided set of numbers using priority queue concept.
16. Write a C++ Program to sort the provided set of numbers using insertion sort and quick sort.
17. Write a C++ Program to implement the Kruskal’s algorithm.
18. Write a C++ Program to sort 10 Nos. in ascending order with naming of variables and the value before and after sorting.

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