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Gauhati University 2007 B.A Philosophy FIFTH (Logic) - Question Paper

Monday, 21 January 2013 03:05Web

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the ques..
Write the answers to (he 2 Halves in separate books
ans any 2 ques.
1. What is logic? discuss the fundamental ideas of logic. 5+ 15=20
2. What is a truth function? discuss conjunctive, disjunctive and implicative truth
functions giving their respective truth tables. 5+15=20
3. (a) Symbolize the subsequent statements (Use letters A, B, C, D) : 4+4=8
(i) It A does not win the game then if B wins the game then either C will not
win the game or D will not win the game.
(ii) Either A will win the, game or if A does not win the 'game then 'both B
and C will win the game.
(b) obtain out which of the subsequent are tautologies with the help of truth tables:
(i) (p É q) É [~ p É (q.p)]
(ii) (p É q) É [p É ( p.q)]
(iii) (p Ú r )Ú [( p É q) Ú r)]
4. Using truth table method obtain out which of the subsequent arguments are valid:
i) (p É q) É (~ p.q)
(p É q)
\(~ p.q)
ii) ( p Ú q) É ( p.q)
~ ( p.q)
\ ~ ( p Ú q)
iii) ( p É q).p
\ p É q
iv) ( p Ú q) Ú q
~ ( p Ú q)
ans any 2 ques.
5. elaborate singular and general propositions? discuss them mentioning the method
of their symbolization. 20
6. elaborate the 4 kinds of traditional propositions? discuss how they are related
to every other. 20
7. describe a set. discuss the following: 20
(a) Set inclusion
(b) Set identity
(c) Set membership
(d) Set intersection
(e) Set union
8. Symbolize the subsequent by means of set notation: 4x 5=20
(a) Socrates is a philosopher.
(b) All flowers are beautiful.
(c) a few Americans are philosophers.
(d) No tigers are lions.
(e) All fruits and vegetables are nutritious.

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