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Gauhati University 2007 B.A Philosophy THIRD (Contemporary Western ) - Question Paper

Monday, 21 January 2013 03:00Web

(Contemporary Western Philosophy)
The ques. are of equal value
Write the answers to the 2 Halves in separate books
ans any 2 ques.
1. What is an 'appearance'? How is an appearance related to reality? Critically
explain subsequent Bradley.
2. What is Phenomenology? explain the merit of Husserl's process of
phenomenological reduction (bracketing).
3. Explain, adding your comments, the Sartrian expression 'existence precedes
4. discuss and examine Heidegger's concept 'beings-in-the-world'. Is. 'anguish'
natural for men? explain.
ans any 2 ques.
5. What, according to Russell, are the distinctive characteristics of modem logic?
Can logic be taken as the essence of philosophy? explain.
6. How does Moore refute the principle esse est percipi? Show, giving examples, the
relation ranging from consciousness and the object of consciousness.
7. Write an evaluative essay on Wittgenstein's concept of philosophy as 'critique of
8. Is it possible to 'do things' with words? explain the issue with reference to

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