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Bangalore University 2008-1st Sem B.B.M Iester , - Question Paper

Thursday, 21 March 2013 11:10Web

II Semester B.B.M. Examination, June 2008
(Semster Scheme)
Business Environment (Paoer - 2.6)

Time: three Hours Max. Marks : 90

Instructions: Answers should be written in English only.

part - A

1. ans any ten sub- ques.. every ques. carries 2 marks. (2 X 10 = 20)

a) What do you mean by "Business Environment".
b) Expand:
i) TRIPS ii) GATS.
c) State any 2 objectives of IMF.
d) discuss "Technological Obsolenscence".
e) What do you mean by uni- cameral and bi- cameral legislature. provide example.
f) What is "Unfair trade practices"? provide two examples.
g) Mention any 2 objectives of "EXIM Policy".
h)What do you mean by "Union Budget"?
i) provide the meaning of the term "Globalisation".
j) Expans SWOT.
k) Mention any 4 benefits of Environmental Analysis.
l) What is "Industrialisation"?

part - B

ans any five ques.. every ques. carries five marks. (5 X five = 25)

2. discuss the different measures adopted to prevent and control pollution.
3. Bring out the different objectives of "Fiscal Policies".
4. explain the goals of "Business Environment".
5. Critically examine the objectives and principles of SAARC.
6. discuss the economic and non- economic factors of Economic Development.
7. provide a brief account of the various instruments traded in "Money Market".
8. explain the essential conditions for globalisation.
9. Bring out the different Social benefits of Technological Development.

part - C

ans any three ques.. every ques. carries 15 marks. (3 X 15 = 45)

10. Bring out the importance of Industries in Economic Development of India.
11. discuss the "Micro" ans "Macro" Environment in Business.
12. What is "Economic Environment"? discuss the economic factors that affect the economy.
13. "Profit making is the primary goal of any Business Enterprise". explain.
14. explain the liberalisation measures intoduced in the New Industrial Policy 1991.


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