Bangalore University 2008-3rd Sem B.A Psychology -Developmental (-III), /BSc - Question Paper
SN -1649
III Semester B.A./B.Sc. Examination, November/December 2008 (Semester Scheme) PSYCHOLOGY
Developmental Psychology (Paper - III)
Max. Marks: 60
Time: 3 Hours
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Answer either a and b or c and d.
3) All the answers must be written completely either in English or Kannada.
I. a) zSesfosdQ <>odde3b ?
What is lifespan development ? 4
Explain the different methods used in the study of human development. 8
Explain the ecological factors in development.
d) <ade*j.
Explain the principles of human development.
l) a) s) t?rbf&ledra ESed&ses?
Differentiate mitosis and meiosis.
b) )537jd<3 eDdQAi.
7 oo ot,
Explain the mechanisms of heredity in human development.
c)rops&Fc3 <aodde> ? What is mutation ?
Explain embroyonic stage of Prenatal development.
tisdriri doed iScsiSsscri
Describe the influence of Teratogens on Prenatal development. OR
c) Rh osrf/sorarcdbjdb <adQ&. y *t
Explain Rh incompatibility.
d) Ksypsr >53A)rf
Discuss stages of Prenatal development.
z) asjrocf sfcasftf >orirf?& ?
What is Apgar Scale ?
b) ssSf <aodde?& ? aodbtocbd >>$ dFrD )ds&.
What are reflexes ? Explain the types of reflexes seen in an infant. OR
c) tstftgl &sbdbdra >do*j.
Explain sudden infant death syndrome.
d) ssatodb dbFrfcde.
Discuss perceptual capacities in infancy.
V. a) drssjsod riozsS <>oddesb ?
What is meta cognition ?
b) trooadacdb doLraedjse )53?od sfdtaddjdb >de.
x d c3 t
Explain the nature of Psychosocial development in childhood. OR
c) OJfTOjdpcdb ?odj3&2o dr?5rte)4 ?
Discuss Pro-Social behaviour in childhood.
d) OTGSjdpoab >Bo> &&SF&.
Discuss development of memory in children.
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