Bangalore University 2006 B.A Political Science First Semester , - Question Paper
Thursday, 21 March 2013 05:30Web
First Semester B.A. Examination, December 2006
(Semester Scheme)
Basic Concepts of Political Science
Time: three Hours Marks: 90
Instructions: Answers should be written completely either in Kannada or in English
I. ans any 3 of the subsequent ques. in 60 words every. (5 x three = 15)
1. Political Science
2. Historical Approach
3. State of nature
4. Duties of citizen
5. Moral rights.
II. ans any 3 of the subsequent ques. in 150 words every. (10x3=30)
6. discuss the scope of Political Science.
7. Examine the features of Behaviouralism.
8. discuss the characteristics of Sovereignty.
9. define the types of Liberty.
10. explain John Austin’s theory of Sovereignty.
III. ans any 3 of the subsequent ques. in 400 words every. (15x3=45)
11. discuss the meaning and elements of State.
12. What is law? discuss its sources.
13. What is Justice? discuss its types.
14. discuss the historical theory of State.
15. explain the declaration of Human Rights.
Earning: Approval pending. |