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Bangalore University 2006 B.A Optional English optonal eng.-V - Question Paper

Thursday, 21 March 2013 04:50Web

1.a)the verses of bhatrrahi parthasarthy set up similar to their oppostions ranging from the poet and critic.comment?.
B)write short note-(a)unread library books in small-scale reflections on a great house.(b)the man made sun in hiroshima.
SECTION-B(short fiction)
2.a)explore the literal and metaphorical significance of the title of the story The shroud?.(b)how does the communal discord affect the relationship ranging from the 2 families in roots?comment.
3.a)briefly trace the stry of radhika does it refelect the course of women's writing in india?substinate.(b)what argument does dr.Srinivas'spresent in THE POITICS OF FALIURE?what are your views on the subject?.
4.a)the most R.k narayan's novels,revelas an absence of you agree?substinate?.(b)how do raju and rosie get transformed during the couse of the novel?.
B)short note-(a)the conclusion of the novel.(b)marco.(c)significance of the railways.
5.A) of the following-(a)who according to you is the protagonist of the play,HAYAVADNA?.substinate your ans.
B.short note-(a)use of masks in the play.(b)music in hayavadana.(c)the role of bhagwata in hayavadna.

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