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Bangalore University 2006 B.A Optional English V Sem, , -European and Non-European Writing- - Question Paper

Thursday, 21 March 2013 04:10Web

V Semester B.A. Examination, December 2006 (Semester Scheme) (New)

OPTIONAL ENGLISH European and Non-European Writing (Paper - VI)

Time : 3 Hours

Instruction: Attempt all questions.

SECTION - A Poetry

j    1. Answer one of the following :

|    a) Lots wife is a re-presentation of the Biblical story from a modern feminist

f    perspective Justify.

I    b) Examine Cavafys Ithaca as an exhortation to the modern-day adventurer.

Answer any one of the following :

a)    The tone of the narrator in The Burning of the Books.

b)    The End and the Beginning in Szymborskas poem.

c)    The pathos of Andromaches speech.

SECTION - B Short Fiction


I 3. Answer one of the following :

a)    Most characters in the short story War attempt to fulfil their self-seeking roles and are ironically defeated by life itself. Do you agree ? Justify.

b)    How does the greatcoat transform Akaky from the unremarkable to the remarkable in GogoFs story ?

c)    How are the themes of individual alienation and difficulties of moral choice

| highlighted in Camus story The Guest ?


V Semester B.A. Examination, December 2006 (Semester Scheme) (New) OPTIONAL ENGLISH European and Non-European Writing (Paper - VI)

Time : 3 Hours

Instruction: Attempt all questions.

SECTION - A Poetry

j    1. Answer one of the following :

|    a) Lots wife is a re-presentation of the Biblical story from a modern feminist

f    perspective Justify.

I    b) Examine Cavafys Ithaca as an exhortation to the modern-day adventurer.

Answer any one of the following :

a)    The tone of the narrator in The Burning of the Books.

b)    The End and the Beginning in Szymborskas poem.

c)    The pathos of Andromaches speech.

SECTION - B Short Fiction


I 3. Answer one of the following :

a)    Most characters in the short story War attempt to fulfil their self-seeking roles and are ironically defeated by life itself. Do you agree ? Justify.

b)    How does the greatcoat transform Akaky from the unremarkable to the remarkable in GogoFs story ?

c)    How are the themes of individual alienation and difficulties of moral choice

| highlighted in Camus story The Guest ?



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