Bangalore University 2007-5th Sem B.A Journalism I - /e - Question Paper
US - 603
IV Semester B.A. Examination, May/June 207 (Semester Scheme) JOURNALISM - IV Basic Audio-Visual Media
Max. Marks: 90Time: 3 Hours
Instructions: a) Answer all Sections.
b) Answer completely in English or Kannada.
Write short notes on any three : (5x3=15)
rarmer s program on raaio. b) dtoeSegF. Pavithra Lokesh. \t) d)ddr. Educational Television, ci) ziorizi. Chandana. e) - .cjjf .50. IFFI. |
>r(p SECTION - B
ens3&2>. osjo kfe>r3 w6q!d5 :
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Answer the following. Write notes on :
1. a) oa<%eo> vs>&0 3esl
National Broadcast Services. 3d/3sd eS.
Commercial Broadcast Services.
p>dSeodt> abs5 elQesGD, &9c>rto>?> ?t>cbB2>.
Briefly sketch the contribution of Mahesh Bhat and Yash Chopra to the Indian Cinema.
r$oX$ rt>db3&.
Briefly sketch the {resent status of Kannada film Industry.
US-603 ,
2. t3dr3 wdoto: ,
Write notes on :
a) fyf
b) U.O. reabFs&rW adtorfs o3,rteb Production techniques of T.V. program.
3. zpDddoao wtpsdd. toroodb <3eao4oed adoa.
In a developing country like India, explain the importance of community radio.
Udf3 wdoto :
a) 5E>rtO* d?&F Citizen Journalist YJj)odbodss3c3 Yuvavani .
'MAd -oSjacssdd dxod :
Answer any three of the following : (15x3=45)
1. 23sf><> udsfefttoftddbskriftsb ? deSolQ? ?oddf&1, udsfririftog tpcjsaftcS ? What are the principles of writing for radio ? Explain how radio writing is different from writing for T.V.
ddeo?3 <aodd) *? ipac&dOasira sPdr do&eo3 .&& d&3r*>.
What is Censorship ? Discuss the film censorship in India.
3. tpsc&dd draddFd uoub &d<,a> Tjdbjaao dzdDsroft t3d tofl <D2$Qe*>.
Elucidate on the growth of Doordarshan as a popular mass medium in India.
4. Stfrt seadbd s3akd?i>dc& d?<)*):
Examine the contents of the programs listed below :
\/d) &&S?3 530&FSkrteb.
Wpmens program.
\}f53bFtf 5D0S>F,s>rteb.
Labour program.
c) 3333F SCyoDd.
Local news broadcast.
5. <Ds3a&r& &>&&> fcSdrf ejdODo.
Write notes on the following :
Cable T.V.
|bf$ tpatte.
Vividh Bharati.
w*i$S3f de. Satyajith Ray. | |
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