Bangalore University 2008-5th Sem B.A Journalism I-, - Question Paper
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Television as an Educational Medium- Discuss.
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ssDrSsStaaSjse sddd rt>faotfcsrte*cdb >do&.
Explain the feature of Commercial Radio Broadcasting.
3. A>c3sd> do&eocSodb roc5tetefc 2&3fa.
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Discuss the purpose of film censorship. e*ftejs>/OR
miin erodrt, iSd&s&f wdoto.
Write an Cable and Satellite Television.
.1. ste&acsri<> deao&sed 3s>,sfti> .DsdbssrsssA sdoeSft.
cn ~J c< fe, oJ*
Critically examine the role of Radio in society.
2. en)rtdb52psjpiict3.
Trace the origin and development of Television in India.
3. zpadleafc &c3s&R>d riodsd $a?odc>
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Describe a brief history of Indian Cinema.
4. octa>4c3Drid> i*oz> dtodortedaSF*) Discuss the programme pattern of Television of your Choice.
5. wdctoo.
Write your opinion on Kannada cinemas.
IV Semester B.A. Examination, June 2008 (Semester Scheme) JOURNALISM (Paper - IV) Basic Audio Visual Media
SM - 195
Max. Marks : 90
Time : 3 Hours
Instructions: 1) Answer all questions.
2) Answer completely in English or in Kannada.
Write short notes on any three :
1. asff.iasfr,-.3e<fte F.M. Radio
2. a. 24.X 7 NDTV 24 x 7
3. T&sSfsr w.). SuVarna TV
4. )#e35( Special Alienee
5. S.I.T.E.
zpsrtw-SECTION -B
Answer the following :
Explain the principles of writing for Radio.
D&ssfef ?
What are the production techniques of T-V programmes ?
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