Bangalore University 2006 B.A Journalism V Sem-- - Question Paper
US - 2908
V Semester BA. Examination, December 2006 (Semester Scheme) i JOURNALISM |.
Pm>cr V : Reporting Methods
Max. Marks : 90
Time : 3 Hours
Instructions: 1) Answer all Parts. .
2) Answers should be completely in English or Kannada.
Write notes on any three : ---
i?edc3 eodotoo :
1. Caption - i3wdal ,2. Lead-sdc3.
Meet-the-press - riodFri. .Obituary - zodao.
X Vijaya Karnataka - )o>
Answer the following :
sd.$rfa?rt :
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X. Explain the qualities of a good sports reporter.
w>is> 3,ccro ddoredfd rbrarfc&fc <Ddo&.
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OR /
Explain the principles of Interview. riodr?$d;.r$c&)dOA>.
US - 2908
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2. Describe the kinds of news.
sbQ0> >dO&.
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Mow to report an accident ?
ddddda dddj Ooert ? 11 e"><0
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--Explain any five types of lead. 3>) A4 oirasDDddLo sorf) tortcdb .dwC&sb <ado*j. -
PART - C &
Answer any three of uie following : cujraroddra dxracb tiji>ri$f\ 'jo$p& :
'.' Define News. Discuss the values of News.
Abo s33(arot5M>. &Qrfe>.rofcbi&3FAj.
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Explain the sources of news. sbQ dDjaorte*s> >dG*j.
O 4.
2. Describe the qualifications and characteristics of a good reporter.
enx&& ddQrodc afr3rteb-35>rio rbraorfrarWsb )d0&. ,
3. List the different features and explain.
>> dtdQ, wsrte*? >dOj.
A. Explain the different structures of news writing, xba wdaod >>$ddrfvb ado*.
5. Prepare fifteen questions to interview the Chief-Minister of Karnataka.
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?fosFi3d d&dDo.o&ddck ?jodS>F?teo aoQ&db d.rWek &dda*).
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