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Bangalore University 2009-1st Sem B.A Geography I /B.Sc--Climatology

Thursday, 21 March 2013 01:15Web

MS -172

II Semester B.A./ B.Sc. Examination, June 2009 (Semester Scheme) GEOGRAPHY-II

Climatology and Oceanography

Max. Marks: 60

Time : 3 Hours

Instructions : 1) Answer all Sections.

2)    Draw diagrams wherever necessary.

3)    Answer should be written either in Kannada or in English.

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3) w&d rioz&tsrtjs/) &ort    .


oirodcta soc> 50 sddrftprt sxttidog n)sjo&.


Answer any five of the following. Answer should not exceed fifty words.

1. a) 3rf05&Frf STOS&

What is tropopause ?

b) sroc&o    ?

What are the gases of the Atmosphere ? ly- c)    )3jo)Fo>    ?

What is an Inversion of temperature ?

d)    ddodtf dtoribrts?orid&> ?

What are the planetary winds ?

e)    ecFtfaboridesb ?

What is an Absolute humidity ?


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f)    sfoedrte?orfde?> ?

What are clouds ?

g)    <orttf#83sdb<aoridefk?

What is continental slope ?

h)    wsftsSotooridecfc ?

WTiat is Salinity ?

SECTION - B azpart- v>

olraratfcto toco sidrteil 200 stfrfrtert <2oedrfo3 ero5&.

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Answer any four of the following. Answer should not exceed 200 words. (4x5=20)

roctibos>oc&;tf ood/3e&a>?&

Explain the composition of Atmosphere.

3. rieecd


Describe the local winds.

What is Humidity ? Explain types of humidity.

5.    Z&F& 5>S?Oi5?>

Explain the mountain rain fall.


6.    sartdrttf ro.edbo&3ai)s) >&?&.

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Explain the importance of the Ocean.

7.    mritfri deorf vo

ra t,

Explain the temperature of Ocean water.

MS - 172

SECTION - C azpsrt- &


sixrado 3.rte>rt500 dririvrt <2oeddo3 eroo.

Answer any three of the following. Answer should not exceed 500 words. (3x10=30)

8.    a&rasijssisi>3bttatoo7t>E3tictoLdqjFOzbs3

Distinguish between weather and climate. Mention the factors that determine the climate.

9.    womo&ridozSzccbzb >dOA>.

rs    l

Explain the horizontal distribution of temperature.

10.    <y\)tod    s>3b $03* crowd

2         (J 0

How tides are caused ? Explain spring and neap tides.

11.    7ssrtd    ? aoodjs dosrortdd srissaaorttf wrf >d&.

-J    r\

What are Ocean currents ? Expl ain the currents of Indian Ocean.

12.    Qdrtezb

CD t

Explain the coral reefs.

MS - 172

SECTION - C azpsrt- &


sixrado 3.rte>rt500 dririvrt <2oeddo3 eroo.

Answer any three of the following. Answer should not exceed 500 words. (3x10=30)

8.    a&rasijssisi>3bttatoo7t>E3tictoLdqjFOzbs3

Distinguish between weather and climate. Mention the factors that determine the climate.

9.    womo&ridozSzccbzb >dOA>.

rs    l

Explain the horizontal distribution of temperature.

10.    <y\)tod    s>3b $03* crowd

2         (J 0

How tides are caused ? Explain spring and neap tides.

11.    7ssrtd    ? aoodjs dosrortdd srissaaorttf wrf >d&.

-J    r\

What are Ocean currents ? Expl ain the currents of Indian Ocean.

12.    Qdrtezb

CD t

Explain the coral reefs.


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