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Bangalore University 2006 B.A Economics I Semester , - Question Paper

Thursday, 21 March 2013 12:45Web

I Semester B.A. Examination, December 2006
(Semester Scheme)
Micro Economics

Time: three Hours Marks: 90

Instructions: a) Answers must be completely either in Kannada or in English
b) ans of Part A should be continuous.
c) Answers should be precise.


ans and ten of the subsequent in five to six phrases every. every ques. carries two marks:

1. a) Differentiate ranging from positive and normative economics.

b) What is Labour intensive technique?

c) Distinguish ranging from total utility and marginal utility.

d) State the legal regulations of demand.

e) provide the meaning of (MRS) Marginal Rate of Substitution.

f) What is production function?

g) provide the meaning of economics of scale.

h) What is marginal revenue?

i) What is product differentiation?

j) provide the meaning of scarcity rent.

k) Distinguish ranging from money wages and real wages.

l) elaborate the motives of liquidity preference?


ans any 5 of the subsequent in 15 to 20 phrases every. every ques. carries five marks.

2. Briefly discuss the basic economic issues common to all economics.

3. What is an Indifference Curve? discuss indifference map.

4. Why the demand curve slopes downwards from left too right?

5. discuss the legal regulations of supply with the help of a diagram.

6. Analyse the legal regulations of diminishing marginal returns.

7. Briefly discuss the role of time element in price determination.

8. discuss the loanable funds theory of interest.


ans any 3 of the subsequent not exceeding four pages every. every ques. carries 15 marks:

9. discuss the legal regulations of diminishing marginal utility. elaborate its limitations?

10. What is elasticity of demand? discuss the factors that determine elasticity of demand.

11. discuss the legal regulations of variable proportions with a suitable example and diagram.

12. explain the price and output determination under Monopolistic Competition.

13. describe profit. explain the different theories of profit.


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