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Baba Farid University of Health Sciences 2009-1st Year B.Sc PC B.Sc (Nursing for Trained) .(N) [Post Basic ] BF//06 Medical Surgical Nursing - Question Paper

Thursday, 21 March 2013 12:35Web

M.M. : 75 Time : three Hours.
Note : Attempt all ques..
1. Mr. Rajpal, 25 years old male was brought to the casualty after a road traffic
accident. At the time of admission, patient was unconscious, had severe head
injury & fracture of left lower limb, CT scan indicated presence of a large acute
subdural hematoma, and an emergency Craniotomy & evacuation of
Hematoma was performed:
a. Briefly discuss kinds of Head injury. [3]
b. Write pathophysiology of Brain injury using flow diagram. [2]
c. Enlist clinical manifestations of intracranial hypertension. [3]
d. discuss management of patients with head injury. [5]
e. Prepare a post craniotmy nursing care plan for Rajpal. [7]
2. Mrs. Radha, 58 yrs/female was admitted in the ICU with 45% TBSA burns.
The weight of the patient is 50 kg.
a. compute the fluid requirement for Radha for first 24 hrs using Parkland
formula. [4]
b. discuss four degrees of burns. [6]
3. a. What is Cardiac catheterization. [5]
b. Write pre, intra and post nursing management of Cardiac catheterization.
4. Write short notes on[any FIVE]: [5x6=30]
a. Skin care of patient undergoing Radiation therapy.
b. Osteosclerosis.
c. Management of pt. undergoing Chemotherapy.
d. Principles of ICU nursing
e. Primary and Secondary amenorrhoea.
f. Laryngitis.

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