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Baba Farid University of Health Sciences 2009 B.Sc MLT .(M.L.T.) [3rd Year] BF//11 Applied Haemtology - Question Paper

Wednesday, 20 March 2013 08:30Web

M.M. : 100 Time : three Hours

Note: Attempt any 10(TEN) ques..

1. Definition and classification of anaemia. [10]

2. Discuss Laboratory diagnosis of haemolytic anaemias. [10]

3. What are Heinz bodies? How do you demonstrate them. [10]

4. Describe the principle and procedure of Myeloperoxidase and sudan black staining on
peripheral smears. [10]

5. Explain the mechanism of fibrinolysis and define Euglobulin clot lysis test. [10]

6. Discuss the laboratory diagnosis of haemophilia. [10]

7. What are the tests used in detection of bleeding disorders. define any 2 of them. [10]

8. Explain the Role of Karyotyping in the diagnosis of haematological malignancies. [10]

9. Discuss the laboratory diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia. [10]

10. Enumerate platelet function tests. [10]

11. Name a few radioisotopes used in haematology. define the safety measures used for handling radioisotopes. [10]

12. Discuss the laboratory diagnosis of immune haemolytic anemia. [10]


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