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Baba Farid University of Health Sciences 2009 B.Sc MLT .(M.L.T.) [3rd Year] BF//11 Applied Microbiology - Question Paper

Wednesday, 20 March 2013 08:25Web

M.M. : 100 Time : three Hours

Note: Attempt all ques..

1. Describe in detail nosoconial infections and processing of samples for hospital acquired infections. [20]

2. Discuss in detail laboratory diagnosis of urinary tract infections. [10]

3. Write short notes on:
a. Widal test. [5]
b. Inclusion bodies. [5]

4. Write briefly notes on:
a. Mycetoma. [10]
b. Counter Current Immuno Electrophoresis (CCIEP). [10]

5. Write short notes on:
a. Rapid diagnostic techniques in microbiology. [10]
b. Schistosomiasis. [10]

6. Write briefly about:
a. Mosquitoes. [10]
b. MMR Vaccine. [10]

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