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Baba Farid University of Health Sciences 2009 B.Pharm B.Pht[Final Prof.] BF/J//07 P.Tin Medical Conditions - Question Paper

Wednesday, 20 March 2013 08:20Web

M.M. : 100 Time : three Hours
part - A
All ques. are compulsory. ans to every ques. upto five lines in length. every ques.
carries two Marks.
1. What is Obstructive Oedema.
2. Write down the preventive measures for Osteoarthritis of knee.
3. Write down the diagnostic criteria for Myofascial pain syndrome.
4. Write down the causes and complications of Swelling of hand in Hemiplegia.
5. Write short note on Heterotrophic bone formation in spinal cord injury.
6. Differentiate ranging from Fascial and Bell's palsy.
7. Write short note on Bronchial breath sound.
8. Write down the role of PT in rickets.
9. Write down the DONT's in case of Rheumatoid hand.
10. Write short note on incentive Spirometry.
part – B
Attempt any eight ques.. ans to every ques. upto two pages in length. every ques.
carries six Marks.
1. What is Postural drainage.
2. How will you differentiate ranging from Patello femoral osteoarthritis and Tibio femoral
3. Write down the DO's and DONT's in DVT.
4. Write down the PT management of Trophic ulcer.
5. Write down the diagnostic feature of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
6. Write down the disability in case of Median nerve injury.
7. Write down the role of physiotherapy in the diagnosis of High risk babies.
8. Write down the PT management of Fibrositis.
9. Write down the PT management of Pleural effusion.
10. Write short note on Suction.
11. define the clinical features of Congestive cardiac failure.
12. Write short note on Primary tuberculosis.
part – C
Attempt any 2 ques.. ans to every ques. upto five pages in length. every ques.
carries 16 Marks.
1. Write down the trunk issues in Hemiplegia and its PT management.
2. Evaluate a case of Ankylosing spondylitis and write down its PT management.
3. define the Pleural conditions and their management.
4. How will you differentiate ranging from Arterial and Venous diseases. Write down their
physiotherapy management.

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