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Baba Farid University of Health Sciences 2009 B.D.S Dental Surgery .[2nd Prof.] BF//05 General Pathology - Question Paper

Wednesday, 20 March 2013 05:35Web

1. a. describe Inflammation? discuss Vascular and Cellular modifications in
inflammation. [8]
b. explain etiopathogenesis of AIDS. [7]
2. Write short notes on:
a. Apoptosis. [5]
b. kind III hypersensitivity. [5]
c. Multinucleated Giant cell. [5]
3. Tabulate the differences between:
a. Benign and Malignant tumor. [5]
b. Dry and Wet gangrene. [5]
c. Tuberculoid and Lepromatous Leprosy. [5]
4. a. describe Leukaemia. Classify it according to FAB classification.
b. Write PBF and bone marrow findings of Megaloblastic anaemia.
5. Draw tagged diagrams of:
a. CVC Lung. [5]
b. Amyloidosis kidney. [5]
c. Fatty Liver. [5]
6. explain briefly:
a. Osteosarcoma. [5]
b. Chronic Pyelonephritis. [5]
c. Ghon's complex. [5]

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