NTR University of Health Sciences (NTRUHS) 2011 M.B.B.S Medicine Pathogy,-l, second ,uary - Question Paper
Sunday, 20 January 2013 07:35Web
pathogy,paper-l, 2nd M.B.B.S,January-2011
1.A homosexual individual who is also an intravenous drug abuser with history of persistent
generalized lymphadenopahty[PGL] and chrnic diarrhea came to sexually transmitted diseases[STD]
OPD with mucosal candidiasis,fever,oral hairy leukoplakia and loss of more than 10% body weight.
There is a fall in CD4+ count .
a)what is the provisional diagnosis?
b)Describe the sequences of events in the pathogenesis of the disease.
c)Discuss different tests used for diagnosis and for monitoring the treatment of the identical.
2. Paraneoplastic syndromes .
3. Peripheral smear and bone marrow picture in megaloblastic anemia .
4. Growth factors involved in tissue regeneration and repair .
5. Haematocrit.
6. Arachnodic acid metabolites and their role in inflammation .
VERY SHORT[5*2=10]
7. Phlebothrombosis.
8. Clinical features and karyotypes of Turners sydrome .
9. Mode of action of anti coagulants .
10. Pathogenesis of dystrophic calcification.
11. Name the tumor suppressor genes .
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