Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar University 2007 Diploma Application Oriented Course Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University - Question Paper
Sunday, 20 January 2013 04:45Web
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open UniversityMARCH-07: DIT-03 1/1
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University
Term End exam : March-2007
Diploma in Indirect Taxes (DIT)
Gujarat Sales Tax Act and Central Sales Tax (DIT-03)
Date O Tuesday, 17-04-2007 Total Marks O 70
Time O 11-00 to 02-00 Weightage O 70 %
Note :
1. All ques. carry equal marks.
1. Write a note on objective of central sales tax Act 1956? [14]
Write a note on appellate Authority?
2. When sale or purchase of goods stated to take place in the course of import or
Export ? [14]
discuss procedure for obtaining registration under central sales Act. 1956?
3. Write a not under central sales Act.
1. Turn over [07]
2. Appeals [07]
Write a note on purchase tax.?
4. Write a note on license, Recognition and permit ? [14]
Write a note on penalty?
5. Write a note on tax liability? [14]
Write a note on recovery and refunds ?
M/232 Reg. No.
Earning: Approval pending. |