Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar University 2007 Diploma Value Added Products from Fruits Custom Act, 1962 (DIT-02) - Question Paper
Sunday, 20 January 2013 04:40Web
MARCH-07 : DIT-02 1/1
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University
Term End exam : March-2007
Diploma in Indirect Taxes (DIT)
Custom Act, 1962 (DIT-02)
Date O Monday, 16-04-2007 Total Marks O 70
Time O 11-00 to 02-00 Weightage O 70 %
Note :
1. All ques. carry equal marks.
1. Write a note on the import process under custom Act. 1962? [14]
Write a note on the counter veiling duty and anti dumping duty
2. Write a note on the custom evaluation Rull 9? [14]
Write a note on the custom evaluation Rull six and 7?
3. (a) Write a note on stores under custom Act 196? [14]
(b) Write a note on goods imported or exported by post ?
provide any 14 services covered under service tax legal regulations ?
4. Write a note on the prohibited goods and rules related to their importation and
exportation ? [14]
Write a general not on the penalty under the custom Act.?
5. Write a note on warehousing? [14]
Write a note on the confiscation of goods and confiscation of conveyance?
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