Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar University 2007 Diploma Value Added Products from Fruits PERT & CPM (DOR-03) - Question Paper
Sunday, 20 January 2013 04:10Web
MARCH-07 : DOR-03 1/1
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University
Term End exam : March-2007
Diploma in Operations Research (DOR)
Date O Tuesday, 17-04-2007 Total Marks O 70
Time O 03-00 to 06-00 Weightage O 70 %
Note :
1. All ques. carry equal marks.
1. What is PERT and CPM ? What is the basic difference ranging from PERT [14]
and CPM ?
Narrate events and activities.
2. define errors and dummies in network. [14]
discuss all the 3 phases of project managment.
3. Write the subsequent short notes. [14]
(a) Forward pass method
(b) Backward pass method
Write the subsequent short notes.
(a) Float of an activity and Event.
(b) Resource Smoothing.
4. discuss Time-expense Trade-off procedure [14]
discuss project crashing.
5. The activities and sequencing necessary for a maintenance job are as under.
Draw a network diagram. [14]
Activity A B C D E F G H
- A A B B,C E D,F G
For the subsequent project obtain expected task time and their variance.
Activity A B C D E F G
Most likely time - A A C B,C D,E E
Optimistic time three six three 10 seven five 4
Pessimistic time one 14 three 22 15 14 4
- A A B,C B B,E D
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Earning: Approval pending. |