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Annamalai University 2007 LL.M 121ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - I - Question Paper

Monday, 18 March 2013 03:40Web

( 1st YEAR )
( PAPER - II )

121. ADMINISTRATIVE legal regulations - I
May ] [ Time : three Hours
Maximum : 100 Marks

ans ques. No. one and any other 5 ques..
ques. No. one carries 25 marks and ALL other ques. carry 15 marks every.

1. (a) .Administrative legal regulations is the most outstanding legal development of the Twentieth Century.. - Comment on this statement with reference to the major contributory factors for the growth of administrative legal regulations during the 20th Century.


(b) .The courts in India have played a very creative role in relation to the growth and development of administrative laws - explain.

2. Parliament empowers the Union Government to extend to the Union Territory of Pondicherry any Act in operation in the State of Tamil Nadu with such changes as it deems fit. Is such a delegation valid ? What is the scope of modifying power ?

3. .Legislature is not permitted to delegate essential legislative powers to the executive. However, it is permitted to delegate non - essential legislative powers to the executive.. explain and illustrate your ans with reference to decided cases.

4. discuss the safeguards given to the civil servants under the Indian Constitution.

5. Elucidate the reasons for the failure of bureaucracy in the implementation of socio - economic welfare legislations in India and offer suggestions to make administration accountable and responsible.

6. explain the validity of exclusion of judicial review of the High Courts over Central Administrative Tribunals with reference to decided cases.

7. Examine the scope of judicial control over delegated legislation.

8. .The doctrine of separation of powers has influenced and has itself been influenced by the growth of administrative legal regulations.. - Comment.

9. Write short notes on any 2 of the subsequent :
(a) Henry - VIII clause.
(b) Rule of legal regulations.
(c) Laying before Parliament.
(d) Domestic Tribunals.

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