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Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar University 2007 Physics - Question Paper

Sunday, 20 January 2013 04:00Web

1. a) State and discuss entropy.

b) Write the difference ranging from Diffraction and Interference


c) discuss Hall effect.

d) Write applications of optical fibers.

e) discuss Type-I and Type-II superconductors.

2. a) State and discuss 1st legal regulations of thermodynamics.

b) define different operations of Cannot’s cycle and derive

an expression for its efficiency.

3. a) State and discuss Gauss legal regulations and explain the application

b) explain the growth and decay of current in an LR circuit.

4. a) explain the construction and working of Michelson’s

interferometer and write applications of Michelson’s

b) discuss the construction and working of Nicol’s prism.

5. a) What is population inversion? define the construction and

working of He-Ne laser.

b) Write applications of lasers

I Year B.E./B.Tech Degree exams


(Common to All Branches)

Time : 3 hours Maximum : 75 Marks

ques. one is compulsory

ans any 4 from ques. two to 8

All ques. carry equal marks


6. a) What is Piezo electric effect? define how this effect can

be used to produce ultrasonic waves.

b) Mention applications of ultrasonic waves.

7. a) Derive Schrodinger time independent wave formula and

find energy Eigen value and Eigen functions of a particle

moving in 1 dimensional box using Schrodinger wave


b) State and discuss Heisenbergs uncertainty principle.

8. a) Distinguish ranging from metals, semiconductors and insulators

based on band theory of solids.

b) describe Super conductivity, Meisner effect and write

applications of Super conductors.

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