Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University 2010-2nd Sem B.Sc Computer Science .(ester) /Faculty of Science// (8086 : Microprocessor) - Question Paper
Sunday, 20 January 2013 08:10Web
B.Sc.(second semester) exam
Course code : 303 BT
(8086 : Microprocessor)
Time--1 & 1/2 Hours(90 Minutes) Maximum Marks-30
"Please check whether you have you got the right ques. paper."
N.B.:- (i) Attempt all ques..
(ii) All ques. carry equal marks.
(iii) Use only blue or black pen.
1. Attempt any one:
(a) Draw the internal architecture of 8086 microprocessor. discuss
its BIU. (Marks 10)
(b) What is data addressing mode ? discuss any 4 with example.
(Marks 10)
2. Attemp any one:
(a) discuss the subsequent instructions with example : (Marks 10)
(i) MOV
(ii) MUL
(iii) DIV
(iv) XCHG
(V) JMP.
(b) discuss any 4 computer data formats. (Marks 10)
3. Attemp any 1 :
(a) Write an assembly language program to obtain sum,difference and
product of 2 8-bit numbers stored on memory location 1000H
and 1001H. Store sum,difference and product on memory location 2000H,2001H and 2002H respectively. (Marks 10)
(b) Write an assembly language program to obtain factorial of 07H.
Store the outcome on memory location 3000H. (Marks 10)
Earning: Approval pending. |