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Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University 2010 B.C.A Computer Application Elements of commercial portals - Question Paper

Sunday, 20 January 2013 07:30Web

This is Elements of commercial portals ques. paper of BCA 6th semester

B.C.A. (VI Sem.)    RD-23-2010

Printed Pages-2]

FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCE B.C.A. (Sixth Semester) Examination MAY/JUNE, 2010


Time-Three Hours    Maximum Marks-80

"Please check whether you have got the right question paper."

N.B. :- (i) Attempt any Eight questions.

(ii) All questions carry equal marks.

1.    Discuss the general structure of the packet switched network supporting the internet and electronic commerce.    [10 Marks]

2.    Discuss what is internet, intranet and extranet, with differences and similarities.    [10 Marks]

3.    What is TCP/IP internet protocol? Explain its architecture with suitable example.    [10 Marks]

4.    Discuss various feature of web server software.    [10 Marks]

(i)    Browser

(ii)    ISP

6. What are various security threats on internet? How are they classified?

[10 Marks]

7.    What are various markup languages of the web? Discuss    [10 Marks]

8.    What are Hacking? How can it be prevented? Discuss.    [10 Marks]

10. Write notes on:    [10 marks]

(i)    FTP;

(ii)    HTTP.


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