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Devi Ahilya University 2009 B.Sc Computer Science Part II (3 Y.D.C.) , - Question Paper

Sunday, 20 January 2013 03:00Web

B.Sc. Part II (3 Y.D.C.) Examination,
Paper I : Data Structure CPN-21
Time : three hours
Max. Marks. : 50

Note : ans all 5 ques.. All ques. carry equal marks. The blind candidates will be
provided 60 minutes extra time.

1.(a) Why recursion is avoided ? elaborate the steps of removal of recursion ?
(b) A 2 dimensional array LIST[5][3] is described in C language for storing real numbers, if the
base address of array is 2008 then determine the physical address of array element
(a) Determine the best case, worst case and avg. case complexity of linear search algorithm.
(b) What is amortized complexity ? What is it's significance ? Under what circumstances it is
used ? discuss with example.

2.(a) Which data structure is used in function calling ? Write C function to insert and remove
elements from it.
(b) Write C functions for deletion from input restricted queue and insertion in output
restricted queue.
(a) How subsequent expression will be processed by computer ? discuss the procedure by drawing
diagram of stack.
(A-B) * (D/E) where A=12,B=10,D=32,E=2.
(B) For implementing a priority queue write C function for subsequent :
(i) Function for initialization
(ii) Function for checking empty and full condition
(iii) Function for insertion
(iv) Function for deletion
(v) Function for display.

3.(a) Write C function for sorting of Linked List.
(b) Write C function to merge 2 doubly circular Linked List.
(a) How iteration is better then Tll recursion ? discuss with example.
(b) How Sparse matrix is implemented by using Linked List ? How it's transpose will be
determined ? Write C function for this.

4.(a) Write an algorithm of C function to display Binary search tree nonrecursively.
(b) How you will access parent, brother and child of a node in array representation of binary
search tree ?
How rotation will beperformed in un-balanced binary search tree, to make it balanced tree ?

5.(a) Write a C function to implement interpolation search.
(b) How merge sort is better then quick sort ? Justify your ans.
Write short note on the subsequent : (any two)
(i) Graph Traversal Algorithm
(ii) Shortest Path Algorithm
(iii) Time complexities of different Sorting Algorithm
(iv) Memory Representation of Graph.

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