Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University 2007-4th Sem B.E Electronics & Tele-Communication Engineering (ITS 08) - Question Paper
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K' ,v Aiwsww, . Uv W* XKMNlftiWi t* \ **M* **), Wk-KV ,m ? \ N\v\>) *s *y-'W*>v>vinsx-KsJ*\ vttvWv.> >VV*Vy i-w' TV ,>4 v r>K4.,i Jv hr K? vw \ >VmI*h' Vfrv vfcwijV \<* fowsmfvv <N *>V virAtfl Wfcftt >x *tv \*H\ )KWV*n Ut0 (}) 3, i) K\pUm W Ky n KVI>1 rtwro aw (W l\<tw >kmi \kou-h v\ K'\vobo I he omsmMion of rt vSMKiv'tllW tHnmlowi lM WKN'MiivMU'Hl ol Itipnd K'Wl. (s') IX'jtvntv An inductive irmudntti MiiwltU' tiM the measurement ofliner dupltHttmeflt. (\l) A CAoihw tnmnducct uses two qiuii/ ilmphin#m\ ol mvu 000 nim} n'pomicd by ilwnikv oi I 5 nun A prcwure of * I0> N/m1. When allied lo Ow lop diaphragm. coimc* u Ucllccuon of 0-5 tnm I he capacitance if 400 * 10 '* I* when no pichukc ih |
Itft'Kvl to IN 4X,hffnn-TOiv 0*f*-'tUtfWV *ft *>* NKN* "T * fWVvxtWC .l S' N5 UiMU V <*) V\j\Wm nviprv,vvh>o'1\P 5p4vffcsnvTMn J tM iVvxh*' itw \w>'tkutc')i >t <*><4 i'> PKV.VkV%* t'rfm%<K<'t )VH\\'<,'.|'ir<,svm <* v'to*e mhl t*it|K vi*'rt\ OK-' (C) IVsciiW lUe v\wt\wctiin, |%n\ \>V \'witnfl *\ flppllVAtlOM Ol )UM-ltCCl tTM\taHh>M. 7 Ul) Deunht ihe v'l'nxmioiionn) feature* of t nttjwiwutctivc UtiwtiUh:e< and explain how lotvc cam bo ou'AMmM by applying inftunctn\tM\tton ptanonteoon 7 Uittl-IV 1. (a) Kxplim Mioioelccinc clTcct. 2 (b) Hxplmn ilic phnciple ofoperation of n electroimiJiNUc flow meter & mijujcM the nntnrc uf OuiiK that can Ik* used with the system. 7 (c) Itapluln the |iiiciplc of wotkmg A constructional detail* of pholocnmstvc cell, 7 |
(c> Define digital transducer ami o\p);un its application lor nxNttwvtnent of augmlai vliNphcvmcnt,
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