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Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University 2007-4th Sem B.E Electronics & Tele-Communication Engineering (ITS -07) - Question Paper

Saturday, 19 January 2013 10:55Web


%    328416(28)

B. E. (Fourth Semester) Examination Nov.-Dee., 2007

(ET & T Eugg. Branch)

INDUSTRIAL TRANSDUCERS & SENSORS Ttmt Allowed : Three hours Maximum. Marks : 80 Minimum Pass Marks : 28

Note : Attcflipt any two questions from each unit. All Questions cany equal marks as is given.


(a)    Cive characteristics and choice of Transducers. 3

* *

(b)    A strain gauge with gauge, factor of 2 is fastened to a metallic member subjwlcd to a stress of 1,000 kg/ cm2. The modulus of elasticity oTthe metal is 2 * 10*


kg/cm*. Calculate the percentage change in resistance

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of \Ik .strain KJugc. Wlut is value of Poissons ratio? 5

2. () Give the measurement of Low pressure with Pirani Vacuum Gauge.

(b) Aa LVDT is used for measuring deflection of a bellows. The sensitivity of LVDT is 40 V per mm. The bellows is deflected by 0-125 mm by a pressure of 0-8 * 10* N/ro2. Determine the seasivity ofLVDT fa V per N/m2 and *Jie pressure when output voltage of LVDT is 3$ V.

3< (a) Give the method of measurement of temperature by optical pyrometer.

(b) A platinum resistance thermometer has a resistance of 120 1 at 25*C. Determine its resistance at 75*C. The temperature coefficient! of resistance of platinum

at 2i*C is 400392 Q/fl/*C.

Id case the resistance of thermometer is fouod to be

180 D. determine the temperature.


4. (a) What are. the different nteUtods of measurement of thickness.

(b) A lioar resistance potentiometer is 50 mm long and is unifonnely wound with a wire having a resistance of 10,000 O. Under nor nal conditions, the slider is al the centre of potentiometer. Find the linoar 3U4M(29)

displacement when the resistance of the potentiometer

u measured by Wheatstone bridge is 3850 Q and 7560 Q.

Ii* it is possible to measure a minimum valve of 10 fl resistance with the above arrangement, find the resolution of potentiometer in am.    5

5.    (a) Write short note on capacitive transducer for

measurement of level of a oo-voooducting liquid. 4 (b) A parallel plate capacitive transducer is employed as a liquid level indicator in a chemical plant f ch that plates are immersed in liquid wilh the movable plate of transducer touching the uj per surface of liquid. With the change in level of liquid, the movable plate of transducer is displaced. If the overlapping area of .. pistes, A I m1 and the capacitance is foind to be 29-5 nF, determine the change in the level of the

liquid. Given r for liquid-80. e.-8-85 * lO*1 F/M. 4

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displacement of cooe of a LVD.T. it detected.


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