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Annamalai University 2011-1st Year B.Ed – ( – VI) 604CONTENT AND METHODOLOGY OF TEACHING PHYSICAL SCIENCE - I - Question Paper

Sunday, 10 March 2013 03:50Web

Total No. of Pages: one
Register Number: 3960

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B.Ed. DEGREE exam – 2011
May) (Time: three Hours
Maximum: 80 Marks
part - A
ans ALL ques. in about 70 words every. (10 × two = 20)
1. Mention any 4 advantages of Lecture-cum-Demonstration method.
2. What do you mean by Objective Based Instruction?
3. List the advantages of lecture method.
4. What is e-Learning?
5. Bring out the differences ranging from aims and objectives.
6. Write down the limitations of biographical method.
7. What is Computer Assisted Instruction?
8. Write a short note on: EDUSAT.
9. What is a Blue-print?
10. Write 2 general and specific objectives for a topic in Physics / Chemistry.
part - B
ans any 6 of the subsequent in about 250 words every. (6 × five = 30)
11. Explain Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives.
12. What are the steps in project method?
13. Explain the need for link lessons in micro-teaching.
14. How can a teacher improve his teaching efficiency through web resources?
15. Explain the characteristics of a good test.
16. What are the advantages of micro teaching?
17. Explain the role of internet in the teaching of physical science.
18. What are the various kinds of objective kind questions? provide example for every kind.
part - C
ans ALL ques. in about 750 words every. (2 × 15 = 30)
19. (a) Explain in detail about scientific method.
(b) What is programmed instruction? discuss its characteristics, kinds and advantages?
20. (a) Describe the principles of construction of an achievement test.
(b) What is micro-teaching cycle? discuss any 2 micro-teaching skills in detail.

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