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Annamalai University 2011-2nd Year B.Ed – ( – XII) 804CONTENT AND METHODOLOGY OF TEACHING PHYSICAL SCIENCE - II - Question Paper

Sunday, 10 March 2013 02:05Web

Total No. of Pages: one
Register Number: 3986

Name of the Candidate:

B.Ed. DEGREE exam – 2011
May) (Time: three Hours
Maximum: 80 Marks
part - A
ans ALL ques. in about 70 words every. (10 × two = 20)
1. List any 4 values of teaching science in schools.
2. What is scientific attitude?
3. Why in-service training is a must for science teachers?
4. Give the nature of science.
5. What are the advantages of Educational Tour?
6. What is an indent?
7. Name a few common accidents that occur in the chemistry laboratory.
8. Define the word 'curriculum'.
9. What are the latest developments in physical science?
10. List the advantages of a science fair.
part - B
ans any 6 of the subsequent in about 250 words every. (6 × five = 30)
11. Explain any 1 science exhibit you will prepare for a science fair.
12. What is the need for improvisation of apparatus?
13. What are the characteristic features of scientific attitude?
14. Give an account on PSSC.
15. What are the recommendations of Kothari Commission with reference to Science education?
16. How will you evaluate a science text book?
17. What are the laboratory rules for pupils?
18. Explain the characteristics of a good science text book.
part - C
ans ALL ques. in about 750 words every. (2 × 15 = 30)
19. (a) Explain the method of organising science club in schools.
(b) Describe the structure and design of a science laboratory.
20. (a) Describe the qualities needed of a science teacher.
(b) Explain the principles of selection of content materials for science curriculum in schools.

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