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Bhavnagar University 2007 B.A History OF EUROPE (1453–1789 AD) - Question Paper

Saturday, 19 January 2013 06:25Web

Time : 3 hours Maximum : 100 marks
part A — (5 ? eight = 40 marks)
ans any 5 of the subsequent.
All ques. carry equal marks.
1. Describe the points of difference ranging from Medieval and Modern Ages.
2. Briefly define Renaissance and its effects.
3. Give an account of Charles V’s and of his achievements.
4. Point out the importance of geographical discoveries.
5. Write a note on Counter Reformation and its impact.
6. Discuss the foreign policy of Philip II of Spain.
7. Describe the progress of France under Louis XIII.
8. Bring out the significance of the Treaty of Westphalia.
part B — (4 ? 15 = 60 marks)
ans any 4 ques..
All ques. carry equal marks.
9. Discuss the growth and spread of Renaissance Movement in Europe.
10. Trace the domestic and Foreign policies of Philip II of Spain.
11. Discuss the causes and the outcomes of the Thirty years war.
12. Describe the religious wars during the reign of Henry IV and their outcomes.
13. State the domestic and foreign policy of Louis XIV and its consequences.
14. Analyse the rise of Prussia during the rule of Frederick William.
15. How for Louis XV and Louis XVI rule is mainly responsible for the French Revolution? discuss.

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