Anna University Chennai 2007 Post Graduate Diploma Journalism (Oriya) B.A ENGLISH - Question Paper
2360 BEG - 4
(For Academic Year 2003 04 and Calendar Year 2004 students)
Second Year
Time : 3 hours Maximum marks : 75
Write short notes on any FIVE of the following in about 30 words each: (5x3 = 15)
1. What, according to Gardiner, is the relation between the size of one's head and his intelligence?
2. Why did Shaw refrain from writing his autobiography?
3. Describe Orwell's experiences as an inpatient.
4. What was the Greek attitude to life?
5. How are the soldiers dehumanized?
6. Why is the hollow man afraid of facing reality, whether of life or of death?
8. How is the power of the hawk expressed by Ted Hughes?
Write short essays on any THREE of the following in about 200 words each: (3 x 10 = 30)
9. Bring out the political overtones present in The Apple Cart
10. 'My subject is war, and the pity of war. The poetry is in the pity' - Discuss Wilfred Owen's statement in relation to his "Insensibility".
11. Trace the fellings and thoughts expressed by Dylan Thomas in "Do not go gentle into that Good Night".
12. How does Sir Arthur Conan Doyle exhibit his amazing powers of deduction in The Hound of the Baskervillies?
13. Analyse in detail the women characters in the novel, Heart of Darkness.
14. Why does Priestly say that a man suffering from a cold in the head looks like a comedian?
15. What do you learn of Huxley's attitude to Dr. Spooner?
16. Do you consider "The Hollow Men" a remarkable technical achievement of T.S. Eliot?
17. Comment on Larkins "Church Going" as a poem that makes him think.
18. Discuss the importance of Becket's sermon in the play Murder in the Cathedral.
Write an essay on any ONE of the following:
(1 x 10 = 10)
19. What does Gardiner think of the judgment about others by the rich?
20. What do you learn of Marie Antoinette, Lafayette and Mirabeau from "The French Revolution"?
21. Bring out the significance of the title, Look Back in Anger,
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