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Bhavnagar University 2007 M.Phil Education Cognitive Perspectives - Question Paper

Saturday, 19 January 2013 12:00Web


Time : 3 hours Maximum : 100 marks
PART A — (2 ? 20 = 40 marks)
ans the subsequent in about 750 words every.
1. (a) Discuss any 1 perceptual theory with its implications.
(b) Discuss the effect of Socio and Psycho deterministic factors on thinking.
2. (a) Trace the sequences in language acquisition. Suggest 8 activities to promote language skills.
(b) Discuss how 1 can enhance his memory process.
PART B — (3 ? 10 = 30 marks)
ans any 3 of the subsequent in about 250 words every.
3. Explain selective attention. Mention 4 causes of distraction.
4. Write a note on the biological foundation of cognition.
5. Suggest measures to overcome distortion in perception.
6. How does thinking help in issue solving?
7. Discuss the term ‘Reflective thinking’.
PART C — (5? 6= 30 marks)
ans any 5 of the subsequent in about 150 words every.
8. Mention the principles of metacognitive instruction.
9. Show how perception helps in concept development.
10. Discuss Psycho linguistic intervention on language development.
11. Discuss unilevel meta-cognitive training in educational environment.
12. Explain the role of sensory integration in learning.
13. Write a note on automatic cognitive processes.
14. Differentiate critical and creative thinking.
15. Describe the factors affecting the thought process.

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