Bhavnagar University 2007 B.Com Business Environment - Question Paper
Friday, 18 January 2013 09:15Web
Time : 3 hours Maximum : 100 marks
PART A — (5x8 = 40 marks)
ans any 5 ques..
All ques. carry equal marks.
1. elaborate the objectives of Business?
2. elaborate the components of Business environment?
3. State the nature of Economic Environment.
4. What is meant by social and cultural environment?
5. What is a Multinational Corporation?
6. discuss the meaning of Technological Factors.
7. State the arguments for social responsibility of Business.
8. Briefly discuss the need for the study of business environment.
PART B — (4x15 = 60 marks)
ans any 4 ques..
All ques. carry equal marks.
9. “Business Environment is dynamic”. Examine this statement.
10. discuss the socio cultural variables that interact with business.
11. Narrate the influence of economic factors on business.
12. define the benefits and issues of Multination Corporations.
13. How does the technological environment affect business?
14. discuss different political and legal environmental factors.
15. discuss social responsibilities of business towards share holders, employees, Government and community at large.
Earning: Approval pending. |