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Bharati Vidyapeeth 2009 B.A General Psychology - Question Paper

Friday, 18 January 2013 08:25Web

B.A.Degree exam March 2009
(Examinations at the end of 1st year)
Paper ? I ?Sociology : Basic concepts and Prospectus
Time : three Hours. Max. marks:100
Model ques. Paper
part ? A ? (2x20=40 marks)
ans any 2 of the subsequent
every ques. carries 20 marks
1. What is meant by Human Society? discuss the different theories of Human Society.
2.What is the meaning of the term Social Stratification? explain the Characteristics and
Functions of class system in Modern Society.
3. discuss the meaning of the concepts power and Authority. How far they are playing a
Dominant role in the current day society.
4. Bring out the Relationship ranging from Social Disorganization and Social Control.
part ? B ? (3x15=45 marks)
ans any 3 of the subsequent
every ques. carries 15 marks
5. Distinguish ranging from Primary and Secondary groups.
6. Educate how Heredity influences human Personality
7. Bring out the main differences ranging from Institution and Association
8. describe Family and mention the functions of family
9. Write about the importance of ? Co. operation? and ?Adjustment? as an important
factors in Social Process
10. ?August Counte? ? Founding dad of the subject of Sociology ? justify the
part ? C ? (3x5=15 marks)
ans any 3 of the subsequent
every ques. carries five marks
11. (a) Agencies of Socialization
(b) Culture
(c) Kinship
(d) C.M.Cooley
(e) Norms and Values
(f) Organization Theory

Model ques. Paper
B.A.Degree exam
(Examinations at the end of 1st year)
Part ? II ?Social Work?
Paper ? I ?Social Work Profession, Philosophy
Basic Social Science Concepts
Time : three Hours. Max. marks:75
part ? A ? (3x15=45 marks)
ans any 3 ques.
1. Mention the Historical back ground of social work in india
2. Bring out Major Social Reforms in India
3. describe Social Work? Write the Genetic Principals of Social work
4. Write down the factors influencing Personality
5. Mention the differences ranging from Primary Groups and Secondary Groups
6. Examine the different stages of Human Development.
part ? B ? (2x10=20 marks)
ans any 2 ques.
7. What is meant by the concept of Social work
8. Write the directive principals of state Policy mentioned in the constitution
9. State how Social Development Programms bring Welfare State
10.Write an essay on Environment
part ? C ? (2x5=10 marks)
Write short notes on any 2 of the subsequent
11. Goals of Social Work
12. Essential Elements of Community
13. kinds of Motivation
14. Non Government Organizations165324`798
Model ques. Paper
B.A. Degree exam
(Examinations at the end of 1st year)
Part ? II ?Political Science?
Paper ? I Concepts, Theories and Institutions
Time : three Hours. Max. marks:100
part ? A 2x15=30 marks
ans any 2 ques. of the subsequent is not less than 4 pages every.
1. describe Political Science. describe the nature and scop of Political Science.
2. Write about the working of democracy.
3. Compare and contrast the social contrast theory of Hobbes and Locke.
4. Write an essay on the right and duties of a citizen.
part ? B 3x10=30 marks
ans any 3 ques. of the subsequent in about 2 pages every.
5. discuss the functions of the Executive.
6. define the sources of legal regulations.
7. What s an electorate. elaborate the schemes of minority representation?
8. discuss the role of the judiciary.
9. Writ briefly in the concept of individualism.
10. discuss the theory of communism.
part ? C 4x5=20 marks
ans any 4 of the subsequent.
11. Duties of a citizen
12. Delegated legislation
13. Nation and Nationality
14. Rule of legal regulations
15. Economic Liberty and Political Liberty
16. State and Government
17. Idealism
18. Pluralism
part ? D 10x2=20 marks
ans the subsequent ques. in 1 or 2 phrases.
i. Class war
ii. Sovereignty
iii. Right to vote
iv. Referendum
v. Central list
vi. Bicameral legislature
vii. Social contract
viii. Judicial review
ix. Welfare state
x. Coalition Government

Model ques. Paper
I B.A. General Psychology
Time : three Hours. Max. marks:75
part ? A 15x4=60 marks
ans any 4 of the subsequent ques. (All ques. carries equal marks)
1. What is the issue of Psychology? Mention a few of Chief methods of
Psychology. Which of them in your opinion is the most Satisfactiory?
2. explain the claim of Psychology to be an exact Science?
3. discuss the nature of Attention. elaborate the conditions on which the efficiency
of attention depends?
4. describe Intelligence and mention the important factors involved in it?
5. elaborate fundamental characteristics of perception? and meaning?
6. Differentiate clearly ranging from an image and perception? Mension a few interesting
facts about imagination
7. Characteristic the different forms of learning
8. Nature of Insight on a Method of learning?
part ? B 3x5=15 marks
ans any 3 of the subsequent ques. (All ques. carries equal marks)
9. Does animal learning differ from Human Learning?
10. State the essential conditions on which a good memory depends
11. Fully discuss the use of language in thought
12. discuss the nature of concept. What part does it play in thinking?
13. explain the relation ranging from Psychology and Sociology
14. explain the relation ranging from an emotion and it?s body accompaniments.

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