Anna University Chennai 2008 B.B.A system software - Question Paper
Saturday, 23 February 2013 04:20Web
Register Number: 3268
Name of the Candidate:
B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. & B.B.A. Degree EXAMINATION, 2008
(Dual Degree System)
(Second Year)
650/660/630/610/260. system software
May.) (Time: three Hours
Maximum: 100 Marks
Part-A (8×5=40)
ans any 8 ques.
All ques. carry equal marks
discuss the features of loaders and linkers.
discuss about 2 pass assembler.
explain about macro processor.
Write short notes on code generation.
define the process control block.
Write about Interprocess communication.
What is deadlock? discuss with an example.
discuss with example “swapping”.
Mention the different windows NT supporting applications.
discuss the different directory commands of unix.
Part-B (3×20=60)
ans any 3 ques.
All ques. carry equal marks
discuss the functionalities and features of an assembler.
discuss the phases of a compilers.
explain about process management techniques.
Write short notes on
a) Paging (5)
Segmentation (5)
Demand paging (5)
Thrashing (5)
discuss about file protection and file allocation methods.
Earning: Approval pending. |